Today we officially finished the first English module in which two groups for begginers and one for advanced.Volunteers from Turkey,Austria,Macedonia and Italy who teach them,prepared food on this occasion treats from their countries and told stories of the places where they come from.Next week we continue with the next module.
English towards the end in Fakulteto
We continue with the english lessons in Fakulteta.This week they learnt family members and family tree and the n to corroborate it we played a few games together after that we decided to something different with them,that time they became a teacher and we were students who learn Bulgarian.As we taught family members them them in english they taught us in Bulgarian as well,it worked verry well,students had a lot fun wıth our accent,see you with the next class.

Last Lesson of This Year at Fakulteto
We made the last english lesson for this year,because Christmas is coming soooon.We continued the lessons even hard weather conditions,you know in these day Sofia is freezing but motivated children are not giving up.Today they learnt days of weekwith some exercises and woorksheet and then a funny song.Stick around! We are going to be keep going with the lessons very soooon.

We Are Waiting for Christmas
Greetings by step by step team.As you know Christmas is coooooming,due to that reason celebrations have already started,One of the celebration was in MIR Center Sofia and yes of course we were also there,gathered with other volunteers,youth workers and teachers these was one part of celebration other part was of course verry delicious handmade foods which was cooked by them.It was plesure to attend that celebration.See you soon in new celebrations....

We Continue with Children for English Lessons
Continuening with English Lessons
Last Tuesday we were in Center MIR again with children who are really motivated to learn English and this week they learned numbers in English with some activities, games and song.
We are going to start English Classes with children in Fakulteto
Hello again from our team,we are going to have one more interesting working with children who is at risk in Academia Fakulteta for this reason the last week on friday we had a quite fertile training with educator Diana Nedeva and another volunteer from Austria Katrina Petritz.We learnt how to approach to children,what kind of activities which we can prepare and how we can make them to motivated to learn english.For the next week our lessons are going to be start.We are really excited to start work with them,you will see the pictures very soon from our lessons.

First step for English Classes
Meeting with other volunteers and Diana Nedeva from "health and social development association...drafting future activities with young roma studnets in Fakulteto neighbourhood.

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